In 2007 Studio Makkink & Bey, together with, among others, Atelier NL, Maarten Kolk, stichting Herbergen, activated the project ‘designers & artists in residence Noordoostpolder’. Now, 10 years later, the landscape and development of the Noordoostpolder is again the focus point in the ‘House of Arts’ exhibition. In Polderscape all projects have been brought together and became a new ‘working landscape’ in the future polder. I was commissioned by the Studio to create a scaled model and animation to the future polder system. the model is made out of paper collage which is made into a hyper detailed world. while looking at the stop-motion animation, the viewer's imagination is triggered to the possibilities this 'working landscape' could offer in the future.
27th January until 2nd of July 2017, KAF- house of arts, Almere.
Still image from the animation
Still image from the animation
Still image from the animation
Installation view, Photo-studio Makkink & Bey
Installation view, Photo-studio Makkink & Bey
Installation view, Photo-studio Makkink & Bey
*The project was comissioned by Studio Makkink & Bey for KAF - House of Arts, Almere, The Netherlands.